What is it used for:
The SG 3/8 LP 043 WIDEA chain is used for assembling and repairing chainsaw chains.
How the System Works:
It is common for users who regularly handle chainsaws to assemble their own chains, as chains purchased ready-made at retail can be more expensive. To assemble a chain, you need to purchase the chain roller SG 3/8 LP 043 WIDEA widea 3/8 043" 1.1 and rivet the links yourself. It is important to rivet the chain correctly to avoid premature wear of accessories and loss of material.
- Use a breaker to measure the links and perform cutting and riveting, depending on the chain model you have.
- Remember to lubricate the chain with oil to extend its useful life.
- Choose the correct chain for your chainsaw by making a comparison before making the purchase.
General features:
- Widia 3/8 043" 1.1 chain roller has 410 links
- 25ft roll size
- Provides an impeccable cut
- Features extra hard cutting teeth due to tungsten carbide compound
- Suitable for cutting robust wood and for machines that work with high efficiency