Wheel counterweight 500-10 SPORT GARDEN 17 kg, compatibility with different brands
Wheel counterweight 500-10 SPORT GARDEN 17 kg, compatibility with different brands

Wheel counterweight 500-10 SPORT GARDEN 17 kg, compatibility with different brands

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Wheel counterweight 500-10 SPORT GARDEN 17 kg, suitable for use on slopes, simple installation and compatibility with different makes and models of machines


What is it used for?

THE 500-10 MTC 17 COUNTERWEIGHT is used to provide better traction and drag to a motor hoe, giving it the robustness of an agricultural tractor. This results in more efficient land preparation. Additionally, it helps reduce operator fatigue by maintaining balance and supporting moving weight.

How is the work system?

The counterweight works by maintaining the internal and external balance of the machine. It uses internal weights and pulleys to apply tension with each movement, allowing the machine to remain stable regardless of the forces applied by the operator.


  • The counterweight must be adjusted so as not to make the machine too heavy, preventing it from remaining immobile.
  • It is important to test different counterweight settings to achieve the ideal weight.
  • Avoid overloading the machine, as this can force it and cause problems.
  • Prioritize safety when using the counterweight to avoid excessive tilting of the machine.

General features

  • Weight 17 kg
  • Weight compensation
  • Improves traction and tractor performance
  • Suitable for use on sloping terrain
  • Simple installation and compatibility with different makes and models of machines

Product Details

Product Type
605.CONTRAPESO 500-10 MTC 17

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